sâmbătă, 11 iulie 2009


Ai fost surprins când ai aflat că Manowar o să cânte în bucureşti? Io nu. Uite de ce:

Hail Catalin,

Thank you for your interest in and support of Manowar. Unfortunately at this time we have no shows scheduled in Romania. The best way to get Manowar in your area is to contact your local promoters and tell them to book Manowar. You can stay up to date on news, updates, and tour dates at www.manowar.com.

We hope to see you soon!

Hail and Kill,

On 7/2/07 6:45 PM, "Catalin Petrut Voinea" wrote:

Hail, frontrow! Romania was always in the frontrow at all the european Manowar conerts. Even so, the kings are yet to come to our country. I, personally, am sick an tired of travelling abroad to see my idols.. So I ask you: how long until Manowar will finally kill in Romania?
I just came from Kaliakra and I'm very disappointed.. I truely believe that Romania would turn out a much bigger crowd.
Hopping you'll take this under consideration... otherwise I'll just have to travel abroad once again... and that part really sucks.
Catalin, Romania

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